Bernese Mountain Dogs
Fundraiser Page
Berner Christmas
Cards 2009
Buy your Christmas Cards and help Lone
Star BMD Rescue
10th Annual Berner-Garde Foundation Fundraiser
Runs August 22nd 2009 through September
30th 2009
contributions to Berner-Garde are so important in order to help
maintain the Berner-Garde Database and the DNA and Tissue
Repository. Berner-Garde needs your donations to continue this
magnificent work. See the details on how to donate on the
For the Winners of this year's Free Ticket Bonanza.
Peter Buckley's
Sponsored Pet Trek Walk
September/October/2009 the date is not
solid yet!
On behalf of the Harrington Oncology Program, Tufts
Bob's Best Berners
Bob Seaver has been
drawing Berner cartoons since 1980. Berner University recently
published his collection in a book entitled BOB'S BEST BERNERS
and it was sold at the National Specialty in Rhode Island. The
book of 135 cartoons costs $10. and all the proceeds are donated
to the AKC Canine Health Foundation which funds health research
to keep our Berners living longer.
Berner Calendar
Girls 2009 Calendar Now On Sale
Fundraiser for the BMDCA Health Fund
The womens answer to the 2006 Nearly Nude Mens
~ with a twist!
The Berner-Garde Foundation
Book Sale
The Magic Bullet
wall calendar
Those of us who are able to provide treatment for our pups
with cancer are very fortunate. Those who cannot must receive
Morris Animal
Canine Cancer
Free Canine Cancer Poster Educates Dog Owners
here to find out how you can donate to Berner-Garde whenever you
Search the Internet>
The Animal Rescue Site - "Fund
Food for Animals"
It really is only one
click away. Feed an animal in need, for free, every day. Over ten
million animals are abused, neglected or abandoned yearly. You can
help each day with a free click! Visit
The Animal Rescue Site
daily and click the purple "Fund Food for Animals" button.
That simple action gives food to an abandoned or abused animal.
There is no cost to you! Funding for nutritious food is paid by site
sponsors and goes to nonprofit animal welfare organizations who use
it to feed animals living in their shelters and sanctuaries.
The Animal Rescue Site
was launched in July of 2002 and has generated millions of bowls of
food for rescued animals since then. With your help, many more
animals will benefit in 2006! It all depends on the number of people
who visit the site. Please click at
The Animal Rescue Site
once a day and forward this information on so more people can
help give animals the happy, healthy lives they deserve.Together, we
can make a difference for vulnerable pets and wildlife!
Canine Cancer Foundation
To most dog owners, your
dog is part of your family. And if your dog had cancer wouldn't you
do everything you could to save their life. That is what we are
asking for. Your help to save the life of a dog stricken with
cancer. And the best way to save their life is helping us pay for
the development of new, innovative therapies, and treatments to
fight cancer in dog. This means funding the research that will
culminate in a cure for canine cancer. The sense of urgency is
clear, yet it comes with the hope that we can reach our goal.
The Dog Cancer Ride Across America "TWO"
Coast Swing - Portland, OR
to Los Angeles, CA
July 1 to August 1, 2009
The 2009 BEHAF Mini-Fundraiser for
Dates June 8th to June 30th '09
We were able to
raise $4,955.10 to help with the vet bills for Emmas
ICU stay at the Vet Hospital in California
The Berner-l Photo Contest 2009
A Fundraiser with
a difference!
Our goal was to raise $500 with the two grand prize
winners designating which funds would receive half of the money
The grand total raised by this fun fundraiser
was $878!
Of Glasgow Trust- 2009 Doggy Dawdle
May 10th 2009
As many of you know I lost my dog Skye to
Lymphosarcoma with Hypercalcemia in February 2006. I walk the Doggy
Dawdle in her Memory! This will be our 4th year taking part. This
year I have a new addition "Ellie" walking along with
Khandi, Mum, Owen and myself. Yvonne Grenfell.
Target: £100.00
Raised so far: £138.00
Cancer Fundraiser
- http://bernese.biz/CancerFundraiser2009.htm
Berner Lovers really are a generous group
of people!! Our goal for our 2009 AKC CHF Cancer Fundraiser was
to raise $10,000. We not only hit it, we surpassed it by
over 50%!!! We raised $15,973.34!!!! The AKC CHF usually
matches our donations, so that would result in money to fight
cancer of $$31,946.68!!! THANK YOU ALL!!!!
The 2008 BARC Fundraiser (Bernese
Auction Rescue Coalition)
The 6th Annual Willem Wijnberg AKC CHF Cancer Fundraiser
The BMDCA Annual Health Fund Auction!
The 2008 BEHAF Mini-Fundraiser for Toby
The Berner-Garde Foundation
Fundraiser 2008
and the Berner-Garde FREE Ticket
The Angel Pin
Babette's Babies
Gift Bonanza
"The Berner-Garde Foundation Make Joye
Happy Free Ticket Gift Bonanza Give Away"
The Mini Heath Fund Auction
Seed Fundraiser 2007
Walk for a Cure for Cancer
- Peter's
Sponsored Walk Results! $150 raised
on behalf of the Harrington Oncology Program
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
at Tufts University, MA
Fundraiser for Rescue Berner, Tobin
The 5th Annual Willem Wijnberg
Cancer Fundraiser 2007
- For research being done
by Dr. Matthew Breen (North Carolina State University) and Dr.
Elaine Ostrander (National Institutes of Health) into Malignant
Histiocytosis in the Bernese Mountain Dog
$21,947.93 Raised
The 2007
BMDCA Health Fund Auction
2007 BARC Fundraiser
- BARC is a non-profit
corporation dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating Bernese
Mountain Dogs from dog brokers, dog auctions, puppy mills, pet
shops and any other dangerous, exploitative or abusive
The Sydney Berner Buddies Quilt
Fundraiser 2006
Welfare UK - Rescue and Rehoming 2006
At the
BMDCA 2006 Specialty
Health Fund Quilt Raffle $1775 Raised
- Berner-
Garde Auction $16,220
The proceeds will go
towards the establishment of a DNA and Tissue Repository. This
Repository is in the process of being established. Michigan
State Veterinary School and Hospital are the most likely
candidate to be contracted to serve as the host for the
repository. While other DNA banks exist, once again the Berner
Community will be in the forefront with an integrated approach
to diagnosis, tissue banking and research.
Cancer Fundraiser 2006
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